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Author: Natasha B

31 Aug

Bye Summer ’19

And just like that summer '19 is over. I had a great summer. I did some traveling, spent quality time with family and found much needed clarity for the new year ahead. The new school year kicked off for my 5th grader and I can't believe it. His final year in elementary school. Ooh chile...
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25 Aug

Fab Find: Herb ‘N Eden

When it comes to skincare, ingredients matter. I stumbled upon this brand from one of my social media business groups. I was instantly captivated by their visual branding because if you know me-- you know that I'm a visual creative at heart. So I ordered a few sample soaps and I've been hooked. I love the fact that their products are all-natural, plant-based and are made from essential oils. I've always believed that soaps should be versatile, harmless and gentle enough to be used to wash our bodies, faces and hair and Herb 'n Eden shares this philosophy. The owners understood the concept of natural health and sustainability from being exposed to the farmer's market culture from early.  I recently...
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10 Aug

Dear Twenty-Something

You are at the prime age to take calculated risks. Take them. Financial literacy is critical. Learn, then invest. Hone in on knowing the importance of assets vs liabilities. Saving is great, but investing is better. See the world. Establish good health habits. Think long and hard and discover your purpose. Passion and purpose are completely different concepts. Set 5, 10, 20-year goals. Start thinking about what you want your legacy to be. Determine what freedom means to you, then go for it. xoxo --Natasha B...
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2 Mar

5 Effective Time Management Tips

fashionablyfab-time management tips
I remember when my son was born--- the level of stress, anxiety and disorganization that had shortly ensued (yes, postpartum depression played a part). The planner and organized person in me had to find new processes and routines in an attempt to cope in my new world of motherhood. Truth be told, many conventional time management principles had to be tossed out of the window. Motherhood caused me to reestablish the rules. It forced me to get my life if I wanted to do a relatively decent job at life's balancing act. Because trying to balance career, entrepreneurship, family and all else is no damn joke. So here's what I've learned during the process. 1. Remove the Clutter. You have to...
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21 Jan

New Year,New Aspirations

Hey there! Just checking in to say hey, girl. I hope your 2019 is off to a phenomenal start.  I have a few things that I'd love to check off my list by Q4 2019. I'm sure the list will grow, but here's the baseline. 1. Create two additional passive income streams. 2. Swimming lessons for my son. 3. African Ancestry DNA. 4. Signup for a makeup class. 5. Trip to Africa. 6. Renovate my master bathroom. 7. Read a minimum of 15 books. What are some of your goals and aspirations for the new year? Photography | Nick Pecori...
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