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8 Mar

LBD Minimalist

Hey Beauties,

I hope this post finds you in great spirit. Lots going on in my neck of the woods. Sometimes I find myself getting down about things not going the way that I intended them to or things not moving as fast as I’d like —and then I realize that I’m not counting my blessings and quickly get back in line, sipping on a nice cold glass of gratitude. Yup. Looking at the glass full rather than half empty. Sometimes it’s easy for us to get consumed in our own misery allowing us to lose sight of the more consequential things in life. Like. The residents of Flint don’t have clean and safe water. Or. Checking on that person who needs every bit of  encouragement to fight a debilitating disease.

 Photography | Nick Pecori
Outfit Details: Dress: Fashion Fab Boutique (coming soon) | Sandals: Bronx Shoes | Sunglasses: Tuesday Morning | Clutch: Cameo Debore
Today I’m grateful for clean and safe water and a clean bill of health. Because there is always something to be grateful for even in our darkest moments. Sometimes it’s good to take a minimalistic approach to life. It allows us to see and think more clearer. Thank God for clarity. I’m grateful for that too. What are you grateful for today?