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Beauty Tag

2 Sep

8 Fabulous Nail Polish Colors for Fall

I love a good nail polish. Some of the qualities that I look for when selecting a nail polish is the brand, whether the color will compliment my skin tone, the price and how rich the color is. There are countless brands out there and some of the best polishes come at a very reasonable price. So I don't think I will ever pay $50 for a 0.5 fl oz. miniature bottle of nail lacquer. I've got an extensive nail polish collection that I've curated over the years. All organized by seasonal colors. One of my favorite brands is Sinful Colors. Their colors are highly pigmented and bold, which works well with my darker skin tone. I've outlined 8 of my...
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12 Aug

Fab Beauty Buy | Giovanni Cool Mint Body Scrub

It isn't often that I stumble upon a product and fall absolutely head over heels for it. But I happened to be scouring the beauty isles a few years ago and picked up this amazing Cool Mint and Lemonade Body Scrub. I wasn't sure what to expect, but after the first try---I am hooked. Since hitting my 30s, exfoliating my skin has become a key routine to keeping my skin looking vibrant and healthy. I use this product to exfoliate my entire body at least once a week using the Egyptian Loofah Exfoliating Pad.  These two are key in my beauty and skincare regimen. A plus is that both products are organic. ------------When exfoliating the skin, always remember to incorporate the...
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30 Jul

Beauty Buzz | Liquid Lipsticks by Anastasia

In honor of National Lipstick Day, I'm sharing one of my favorite makeup brands of late. Anastasia Beverly Hills----a brand founded by Anastasia Soare, beauty expert and salon owner whose roster of celebrity clientele includes Oprah Winfrey, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Naomi Campbell, Jada Pinkett Smith and countless others. The brand also carries other beauty products like contouring essentials, eyeshadows and lipsticks. But her line of liquid lipsticks are some of my favorites since being introduced to them by an amazing local makeup artist in my area, Glam Jackie. I've been in love with them ever since. They apply in liquid form, but dries in matte form. Highly pigmented and compliments darker skin tones quite well. You can find them at...
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22 Apr

Beauty Buzz | Beautyblender

I've witnessed all of the ranting and raving about Beautyblender's awarding winning makeup sponge applicator. So recently, I decided to give it a try. Its design allows for flexible and versatile makeup application in places most hard to reach by traditional brushes. The original runs around $20 at select beauty supply stores like Sephora, and I've gotta tell you...
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4 Mar

7 Fabulous Nudes

It is certainly tough to find the perfect nude lipstick especially for darker skin. As of late--- many beauty brands are tapping into the market delivering a variety of shades in nude palettes. Sometimes the look simply calls for a more neutral lip especially if you decide to go dramatic on the eyes---a nude lipstick is perfect in this case.  I've had the pleasure to try each of these options but I've got to say that my top three options are 1.) MAC Fresh Brew Lipstick 2.) Queen Collection Mocha and 3.) Mac Stone Lip Pencil to which I wear as a full coverage lipstick. These three compliments my complexion quite well. But the other options are great too. Sometimes...
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